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You may recall that Sandy Grey assisted the BBC in investigation of Holiday club Scams in Tenerife.  As he stated “The Timeshare Consumer Association” is in existence purely to assist those timeshare owners who are in need of assistance and from someone who is not connected to the Resorts, Developers and Timeshare Agents. I have resurrected the short version of the interview he gave the BBC “Inside Out North” so that you can meet the late great Sandy Grey.


“Across the pond” the Timeshare rampage continues and with the same consequences for American consumers as British Consumers “a rout of the pocket”.

Like the European victims, many Americans are becoming locked in contracts which are controlled by the Developer, they are one sided for which no one in there right senses would have signed if the post contract events were known.

In respect to British citizens you may have a fight to get you money back (like the American consumers), but at least we can end the rout “on our pockets” with the assistance of the lack of a treaty in respect to judgements orders (the slam shut door). Listen to the educated presentation of what is a self ordained manifestation of a “swizz” a “pocket liner” or a premeditated assault on someone’s hard earned savings.

The product sold to this man might have had value (he thought so when he acquired it), however then came the erosion of value, the prison of some timeshare contracts.


How do they do it?

The next video is the developer training his presentation staff on how to sell to you. He says “lie to them” that’s right “lie to them”.


 Timeshare salesman in your home.

It’s “slowly, slowly catch a monkey” tactics. They are so agreeable, so on your side (which puts you at ease) then when all the trust has been earned, “blammo”, they want your money. They have shown how impossible it is to sell your timeshare on your own, yet they (yes they are experts) leave it to them and “give me your money”.

If you find it hard! (the experts will) as well, if they can do what they say they can do then they will accept payment via “escrow” or after the transaction has concluded.

If they are real and the service they say they can perform is truthful, they will have no problem with you checking their offering out with your lawyer, your parents or your advisors.


With salesmen, they want one thing – your money! They are paid by your money and their ability to get your money. They are not your friend, they are not there to help you, they are in it for one thing and one thing only – your money!

That reinstated how you deal with a salesman?

Tell him you will not do any deal on the day of his presentation. Ask him to bring a statement (signed by him) stating that any deal offered to you in his presentation will not become effective until you have had 14 days to consider his offer fully.

Get him to confirm that he will not require a deposit.

Ask him whether he minds you taping his presentation (you might not chose to record it however, if you tell him you are, then his misrepresentations will be very must curtailed).

These are three things to ensure a reasonable level of safety.

Don’t read their terms in the presentation or even skirt read them, read them when you are alone, so that you are not auto routed to what the salesman wants you to read.



For and behalf of the Timeshare Consumer Association

Date 8th of May 2014


For more information regarding this article or assistance in any other timeshare related issues please contact the TCA on 01908 881058 or email: info@TimeshareConsumerAssociation.org.uk