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Timeshare Question

Free advice from industry experts see the free invitation and see timeshare from an independant viewpoint 

 “I was at the SGM which was a complete shambles, .the meeting was adjourned for a 20 minute “comfort break”, it was never reopened, and we were all informed by the Chairman that if we did not hand in our completed voting slip within the next 5 minutes, our votes would be void. I own 2 Morlichs and feel that urgent legal action must be taken by a group of owners contributing to a fighting fund for an injunction to be obtained pending a judicial review. My understanding is that this would have to be carried out by a Scottish based Solicitor in the Scottish Courts.”

So they tell you to go and have a pee and then shut the meeting. This is a respected company and some place trust in the adventure?

I was not there but this is from a good consumer source.

I had an email from a man in Villacana last week, gutted about the voting and we hear this tactic.

We cannot verify the story but after the emails we are receiving they must want your fixed weeks and want them bad.

Some people seem to blame MacDonald’s for all this, yet it is your club who is passing resolutions and it is those committees who are responsible to each and every one of you.

I posted a letter sent by a Chairman of a Committee who in my view is at least balanced. I don’t agree with him, but the man tries to give just consideration to the important matters.

That aside: When a club listens to a proposal they should give it just consideration, if that proposal is complex, it is for the committee to obtain the advice not MRL.

Advice should be independent and based upon the instructions, it should take soundings, so as to fully determine if the proposal is against the interest of members.

The committee should weigh matters up, discuss and contemplate, not railroad proposals without consultations, limit floor questions, have unfair voting rules and after the event advice.

After the event advice is very bazaar.

If you present a proposal to the members of a club which alters the representations they were given, alters the contracts they signed, takes off them what they own, implements restricting practises in elections and then you take advice on whether your entire process and theory is legal? Well! How will you justify that to a court?

“We were not sure it was legal but we did it anyway”

You committee members need some independent advice, from your own solicitor and fast.

It’s the old saying “if you’re not sure, don’t act” and you the committees have acted to take away assets you have no voice in.

Regardless of your future actions, it’s now a matter of trust and a competency issue. Advice after the event indeed.

I am beginning to agree with you all, who can you trust?


For more information regarding this article or assistance in any other timeshare related issues please contact the TCA on 01908 881058 or email: info@TimeshareConsumerAssociation.org.uk