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 Don’t you just love some Timeshare Reports and Statements?

This is the TATOC transcript and report on its conference:-


Following the success of last year’s seminar, which attracted over 100 delegates, a second event took place on Friday 6th March at the Park Royal Hotel in Stretton, Warrington. Here is a summary of the speakers.

 “The joint TATOC and RDO seminar was only meant to be for one year. But we’re back by popular demand.”

The TCA:- Reply

I would expect that the popular demand was clearly the industry as no doubt they do stand to benefit from joint industry financed RDO and TATOC conference.


So said Harry Taylor, TATOC executive chairman and CEO, as he welcomed guests to the joint industry and consumer event for the second time.

The TCA:- Reply

This ought to be like the Arthur Scargill (NUM) meeting Maggie Thatcher (Tory) and them both shaking hands and self praising each other.


Developed initially to discuss the issues of perpetuity in the timeshare industry, it was clear after last year’s meeting there was still much to discuss.

The TCA:- Reply

So: after 3 years of internal TATOC debate failed, they tried to resolve the issue of perpetuity and still no resolution. That said, the Spanish courts did it for them (Well in Spain).

In respect to English Law well that trumps whatever the pillion riders decide. These two industry sponsored institutions seem to believe that they are the law when in reality they are not.


And so over 100 delegates made the journey to Warrington to learn what is happening in the industry that brings happiness to so many owners – and, unfortunately, distress to others.

The TCA:- Reply

As most (if not all) of the attendee were from the industry and as reported they are unsure what makes the consumer happy or unhappy. They don’t appear (if this statement was true) to know what distresses the consumers

Being in the firing line and having all those personnel in the resorts, you would expect the reverse, in that the resorts would tell the industry bodies what made consumers happy or not.

Could this statement show those industry attendees don’t listen to their consumers very much, as they need know something they don’t already know. More over TATOC represent less than 10% of the industry if their claims were believed.


Geoff Chapman, TATOC director, set the scene with a review of TATOC’s activities over the past twelve months.

The TCA:- Reply

Yes this is Geoff Chapman the TATOC representative of Aroma Timeshare who has just been pinged off Lakeview Resort for occupying a lodge without consent.


He acknowledged that all sold-out and independent resorts share similar challenges. They need to meet the evolving expectations of a new generation of timeshare owner with the experiences and needs of current owners.

The TCA:- Reply

Sold out resorts don’t need TATOC or the RDO. If they are sold out in this climate then they are doing just swell. No doubt they are sold out for a good reason and that reason would have to be that the consumers who bought into the resort are very happy.


 “It is hard to balance and there is no magical answer. It’s a complex and continuous process”.

The TCA:- Reply

It might be hard to TATOC but to us it’s simple. Look after your consumers, irradiate mis-selling, stop racking up the maintenance fees, work with-in the law, create a good name (not a smoke screen) and listen objectively.


However, there is good news as resorts are not on their own. There are examples to follow and experiences to share – and Geoff explained how TATOC is doing its bit.

Doing its bit! Bit (I have to concede) is the right word in this context


Review of the European timeshare directive:
TATOC has been involved in the review of the European timeshare directive and a report is expected from the commission later this year.

There are five possible outcomes from the report: a new directive, amends to the current version, clarification with government bodies, better use of the regulations or no action at all.

“We believe it will be a mix of amendment, better use of regulations and working with consumers and the industry”.

Exit strategies:
There has been considerable interest in exit strategies by consumers, the media and the government.

However, TATOC is concerned that “exit must not mean exodus” and any strategy must be carefully managed with a clear policy, criteria and conditions.


What a statement absolutely shocking statement “any strategy must be carefully managed with a clear policy, criteria and conditions.”

WOW! The consumer, regardless of their rights, regardless of their wishes and regardless of mis-selling has no voice as TATOC will manage the situation and according to their criteria and conditions! No mention of what is lawful and no mention about consumer rights as they will choose who goes and who stays.

Taking into consideration that exit does not mean an exodus places a quota of people who want to leave. This is the reason why many seem to distrust TATOC. If this industry had a good set of morals, a reasonable set of principles was priced correctly and had a truly independent consumer association then an Exodus would never happen. The mere fact that TATOC is concerned that it would happen and the fact that they want to control it is an indictment as to its corporate morals. They want to control it, they want to let some out and stop others. That slavery “do as (we) your master say”.


TATOC is working with the industry’s exit working group on this.

The TCA:- Reply

You have been doing this for years and years and years you claim. Yet come up with nothing. In any event you have no mandate in that consumers can leave anytime they want (if the resort has breach primary obligation, misrepresents or acts in a way which the courts would deem voidable). You have no voice in it the courts do or are you above the law? If they cared about consumers, if they considered them in parallel to their own missions then the state and the European Union would not have to control them. Regulation pours out of the EU and the when you ask why. The timeshare industry need to be controlled as it’s out of control.


 “Of course the answer to exit is entrance but we know it is not just that simple.”

The TCA:- Reply

There we go this is the TATOC grand plan, the 2015 groundbreaking governance. You can’t leave unless some come into timeshare, what utter nonsense. To impose this way of thinking and from a purported consumers association is barking mad. It’s an industry statement can’t let anyone out as we will lose money. See TATOC will lose money if consumers leave so regardless of whether they want to leave or not we won’t let you leave until someone else steps into your shoes and keep paying us. North Korea style consumer association.


The CMA report on the disposal of timeshare and long term holiday products:

The first CMA report on exit strategies was “horrifying”. TATOC responded immediately and a second report was issued. Again TATOC replied but it is clear that the CMA has little or no understanding of the industry.

The TCA:- Reply

CMA stands for the Competition and Marking Authority. I think the key word is competition and in timeshare that’s so rare, is like fairy dust. So the CMA wanted to impose an exit strategy and competition. They wish to assist consumers to get out of timeshare contracts but TATOC objected. You do not have to know anything about how to make a bike to know that the sellers of that bike are selling it wrongly. You don’t have to know how to run a jail to know that when a sentence is over the prisoner has to be released.


The report has been changed and a preface included which acknowledges the work of TATOC and the RDO and the encouraging efforts made by these bodies to address exit issues.

The TCA:- Reply

That what you called being in government. Everyone gets praised and nothing gets done! All the waiting and wanting, all the discussion and requests from consumers to TATOC (the self styled timeshare association) dashed on the tabernacle of bed dream. Why, the industry would implode if consumers were given to many rights. “Lessen change or limit change” one might think.


Citizens Advice Bureau:
Geoff told delegates how TATOC had been reported to the Citizens Advice Bureau. However rather than damaging the relationship, it has been re-affirmed.

The TCA:- Reply

Oh yes! You were reported and the Citizens Advice and they did reinstate you as they were told to by the CMA (the government’s body) you just might be swallowing this statement as if you are off again.


Regulations and Trading Standards:

TATOC is working with Trading Standards to achieve clarification on aspects on the current regulations in the European directive.

TATOC Accreditation:

The TATOC resort accreditation programme continues to grow in importance as more resorts recognise the importance of an independent kitemark of quality from Europe’s leading consumer association.

The TCA:- Reply

Kitemark what a hijack? The Kitemark is a UK product and service quality certification mark which is owned and operated by The British Standards Institution (BSI Group). The Kitemark is only available from BSI Group.

What a bag of spanners you come out! It’s no wonder you don’t implode on your own inflated ego. Kitemark indeed, talk about mis-selling.


TATOC affiliation:
The affiliation process acknowledges reputable businesses in the industry. To date, there are 34 affiliated businesses covering re-sales, developers, exchange providers and marketing services.

The TCA:- Reply

Reputational indeed! I wonder if that badge of reputation would come if they did not pay TATOC. Is it paid reputation approval by an enterprise with no mandate?


TATOC health check:

This free of charge service for independent, mature TATOC member resorts covers a wide range of topics from sales and marketing, accounting, membership retention, legal requirements and maintenance.

The TCA:- Reply

So now TATOC are legal advisors, and will see if your accountant is doing his job, likewise the sales teams and inspection of the builder’s work of course the cleaners and typists as well. What a wise and spectacular enterprise you are, or is it to recommend you other affiliates who pay to be your affiliates. Scratch our back and we will scratch yours


TATOC ambassadors:
There are now five ambassadors based in the U.K., Spain and Tenerife.

New regulations:
In addition to timeshare legislation, all timeshare resorts need to comply with general consumer legislation.

The TCA:- Reply

Not that they need to comply, they must comply or they are acting outside the law they would be illegal operations.

For more information regarding this article or assistance in any other timeshare related issues please contact the TCA on 01908 881058 or email: info@TimeshareConsumerAssociation.org.uk