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Lakeview View

The Harry Taylor skull and cross bone flag ship has floundered and the sea of discord is pouring in through the TATOC hull as the Sherman tanks revisit Lakeview yet again.

Readers will recall that this sleepy timeshare resort lies within the lovely area of Bodmin Moor in Cornwall. The resort since the current incumbent Chairman took control has been no stranger to trouble, stumbles and large amounts of sledging. The traps and snares Lakeview resort timeshare owners have been subjected to are beyond belief and all originated from a befuddled committee of 3 people. At the helm is the boastful Champers and Hampers, king of timeshare, no other than, Harry Taylor.

With his wealth of industry angulations, habitual yarns and spinning, you would be stupid enough to believe that any other timeshare “nerd” would not be better placed to drive the good ship Lakeview from cool waters into the land of timeshare milk and honey.

Harry Taylor is head of TATOC and bounces advice to consumers like a “Space Hopper” descending down a ramp. Confident in the resort and run by this “dapper chappie” it could never depart into a mean machine resort like many have.

Well one would think that?

That said, we are not dealing with a normal industry, we are not dealing with a normal consumer association but we are dealing with the likes of TATOC and Harry Taylor.

TATOC is commonly referred to as the doppelganger of the RDO and self, proclaimed consumer association; moreover it projects itself as legitimate industry. Others just curl up and cry laughing at the proposition.

This legitimate industry of course recommends its own paying members, as they know best and they are of such wonderful minds we must be all safe in their hands. They do this whilst chucking horse muck balls at consumers whilst pedalling overpriced products, with over stated representations and in unlawful contracts.

Legitimacy in the timeshare dictionary means: If you are liked and you pay a fee you are legitimate. Doing things legal is optional

Mind you, they proclaim change is needed, yet do nothing unless laws are passed. Moreover on some occasions even if laws are passed and adopted some of the members believe they are above those laws and dish out a plethora of spin that deludes the hardy minds in timeshare. They do so, to engineer a continuation of the practises which are abhorrent, nasty, malicious and unlawful.

This is all done for a purpose and some believe the purpose is to delude the timeshare consumers.

Back to the land of Pasties and Cider, Lakeview has been described as the best little gem in timeshare. The entire resort has over a hundred chalets set in open grounds. The resorts is serviced by a well oiled thriving holiday machine, managed by competent business men providing excellent facilities to the many lodge owners and lease holders and then you have the timeshare resorts lodges managed by the Harry and his oversize’s ego maniacs.

It’s a mucky bucket in the centre of a palm oasis. It has a terrible record in management and one of the very few resorts that sues its members for un-claimable maintenance fees. That said in any event those maintenance fees were never dues and owing-by anyone. The incumbent Chairman and his motley crew breached the constitution and the constitutional requirements to provide audited accounts. Yep!! Suing members for fees not due, beggars belief!

Consumer challenges caused the TATOC Chairmen to scuttle off droppING the case whilst humming “I am sexy and I know it” (other were not wiggle wiggling). That said he tried and tried to get some money off his fellow timeshare consumers before legging it back to TATOC-HQ. The resort led by Mr. Taylor appeared to spend more on suing his members than sorting the books out. Why did he not do the books? Why were accounts not done are questions yet to be finalised, but they will be asked, they will be answered and the committee will face them.

Anyway the scene has been set for the next despicable debacle.

The Chairman and TATOC entered a partnership with a company called Aroma which is associated with the “Well dodgy” Spice enterprise in South Africa. That organisation is led by Mr. Lamont aka “the bullfrog” Under his direction/supervision that company was subjected to many court actions and many arrests resulted. After the press sledging they pitch up in the UK. (Of course after extensive vetting from the legitimate industry and behind closed doors Aroma was approved and welcomed into the fold. They paid their undisclosed fees and became the new best friend of TATOC and Harry’s chum.

Dues paid, levies distributed and erotising claims, TATOC entered into a strategic partnership with Aroma and the selling began.

The power of TATOC can be enriching, as they can open doors or if loved they can give you the keys. Lakeview has a lot of doors and a lot of potential unsuspecting punters. The purpose of the TATOC/Aroma love match was to pedal a contract to Lakeview timeshare consumers. It did not matter whether they wanted to change their timeshare nor whether they wanted to buy more, they had a prime pitch and that was thanks to Harry, they man who was supposed to represent the resort and keep it in tacked.

All the “dosh” was banked in trusts accounts in the FNTC, based in the Isle of Man. Some might find that strange that an upstanding company with vast assets don’t have a bank account in the UK or anywhere else in the entire world.

That all said, things were going swimmingly and the partnership blossomed and no doubt the “meth’s” and twiglet parties wooed the hearts and minds of some in the industry. Funded by a chump contract the selling began in a wig wham styled office which the TATOC Chairman had set aside for Aroma. Let’s call it camp chump. You see this is the mind set, “bugger” the fact that they would require permission from the land owner to operate a business, sod the reality that the timeshare club owned the rights to occupy, camp chump thought they were above rules and regulations. Aroma squatted in a building they had no right to occupy. I’m sorry but this was taking the “Micky” out of everyone. The timeshare consumers might have turned a blind eye but the resort owner did not.

It wasn’t to last as the Lakeview Country Club Sherman’s tanks were back and viewed the antics of these two clever pillocks who starred down the barrel of court proceeding. Buffoonery at its best! In short the legal documents stated “Oi fat lad bugger off”. To which Harry and his frog mate said “do you know who we are”. In short the site owners won the day and the Lakeview marriage of the frog and Harry was dissolved. With clip board and chump contract in hand Harry and his bridesmaid consol themselves chomping on copious pasties, pies cakes whilst skulking and generally being dis-chuffed tu’t Knickers with the Lake view country club Resort.

With a view of wining hearts and minds, (as one does when dis-chuffed), blurbs and spin proceeded and the Lakeview consumer woes were once again obliterated with tales of progress, of love and understating, planned refurbishments, screams of “all is well” was the cry “do not flee”.

To win hearts and mind is one thing, but the burying of a ticking time bomb is another. The reality was somewhat different. RCI came out with the “We think you’re great” flags and TATOC was blessed with appreciation from all its paying mates. We love Harry yeh! yeh! Yeh!

It was a very British affair as there were no pompoms just a gaggle of timeshare salesman waving pre paid TATOC conference tickets.

The resort was back on timeshare terra firma, fractured, broken and battered but alive with discord suspicion and distrust.

Can we all live happily ever after,,,,,, Oh no!!!!!

Many will recall that FNTC had acquired its rival Continental Trust Ltd. In the past they were the competitors of FNTC. Upon the acquisition FNTC would inherit the company and its obligations and responsibilities. In short FNTC stood into the responsibility shoes of Continental Trust. Being the holders of the Lakeview lease (which underpinned the Lakeview timeshare resort) if all was not well, a time bomb could be ticking, a responsibility looming and a liability beckoning. That liability could even be extended to the overseer of the timeshare club as well as the Directors would owe the members and the resort owners a duty of care. After all that was there job and they would find it difficult to avoid the argument of we did not know! We were too thick! Sorry!!!!!

The Trust has Directors and those directors have Vicarious liability/responsibilities and to each and every timeshare owners as well as the Lakeview Resort.

The Lakeview Country Club have begun to write to the committee and the members to inform them that a breach of the lease has occurred and that forfeiture is in process. Doomsday has arrived. The consequences are that every timeshare could be lost (or at least is at risk) and a huge bill could be landing on the door step of someone.

In short the owners of the land where not best pleased with the burger munching Harry and his mates in such a way that they believe they had no other choice but to drop the atom bomb. “Oh my god”- Harry must have thought-Does the walk of shame awaits! Well yes it does.

Harry Taylor the “Busted Flush”. Your paid mates may say nice things, they may promote you, they may praise you, but you are a bad ass manager, a reckless Chairman and people, families and past supporters will vacate you.

You were employed to protect the resort, yet you went into a partnership to empty it, then leg it and leave the problem with others and this time it will not wash.

It’s not rocket science, a landlord forecloses predominantly for one reason and one reason only. They have not been paid! All the summonses, all the writs and all the barking Harry has done in the past has arrived at his own door, all the groaning and all the hurt he has dished out is now afoot and many, many people can testify to that.

All your mates “we love you letter” are worthless as you are heading for the judge’s chambers with a pack of disgruntled timeshare owner in angry pursuit.

So there is “no needle pulling thread” “no raindrops on roses” and no rest bite from the rampant discord which will follow TATOC and its backers.

Meanwhile the advice from the mean machine is as follows:-

If consumer have a problem and need advice contact TATOC.

If you don’t want to call TATOC the Citizens Advice is where you can go, who will signpost you to? TATOC.

If you are not happy with that prospect you can call your MP. He will check with Citizen’s Advice and they will refer you to TATOC.

The charities commission might be another angle to pursue but alas they will refer you to TATOC.

The Competition and Marking Authority will refer you to TATOC.

So will the RDO, Mind Timeshare, Chris Emmins, Timeshare Hypo-market, Lord Timeshare, Go Timeshare DaE, RCI, and MANY MANY others

Battered, busted and expected.

For more information regarding this article or assistance in any other timeshare related issues please contact the TCA on 01908 881058 or email: info@TimeshareConsumerAssociation.org.uk