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At the H10 Hotel in Meloneras, Gran Canaria, Anfi has held a Special General Meeting regarding changing their contracts so they are corrected to follow the current changes in the law. There were three resolutions they were offering to resolve the dispute with votes.

Resolution 1 To establish occupancy period for a maximum of 50 years’ duration, with an option to extend for a further recurring occupancy periods of 50 years”

Resolution 2 “To limit the duration of the Timeshare Scheme to a maximum of 50 years”

Resolution 3 “Every current holder of a membership certificate shall be allocated a number or rotational enjoyment right, equal to the number of membership certificates they currently hold and which will entitle them to enjoy the same week of use as they currently hold”

Votes was taken for all three resorts Club Puerto Anfi, Anfi Beach and Club Monte Anfi and for all three of the resorts the “Resolution 1” was approved with the most votes. Club Puerto Anfi received 2358 votes in favour, 131 votes against and 29 votes in abstention, Anfi Beach received 4342 votes in favour, 140 votes against and 34 votes abstention and Club Monte Anfi received 2604 votes in favour, 245 votes against and 38 votes abstention.

For many owners they are wondering how this will affect them, and the truth is this does not affect anybody but new owners. For anybody who is currently an owner at any of the three resorts Anfi does not have the right to change the contract, if you do not agree and sign the new contract then your original perpetuity contract will remain the same which is still illegal under the Spanish Timeshare Law leaving it open for owners to claim back the money they have paid if they wish to do so.

Anfi will be pushing clients to sign these new contracts as it is in their best interested to avoid them several court cases in the future which could cost them a lot of money but it is very important for anyone considering making a claim to not sign anything as this would make the claim invalid.

Just recently on the 23rd June another case against Anfi was won as the judge in Las Palmas announced that the contract was declared “null & void” due to the perpetuity clause and the client was awarded back over 10 thousand euros.


For more information regarding this article or assistance in any other timeshare related issues please contact the TCA on 01908 881058 or email: info@TimeshareConsumerAssociation.org.uk