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Holidaying is what we look forward to all year round, saving for that summer vacation, however, falling foul of the fraudsters can ruin everything!

Pre-holiday scams are on the increase in offering cheap flights and luxurious accommodation, which unfortunately neither exist. Recently Virgin Atlantic where the latest in a long list of well-established companies been the victim of scammers, where they had created a Virgin Atlantic website imitating alike like for web page. Virgin was celebrating their 35th year and the fraudsters took the opportunity of cashing in on their celebrations.

The scam involved WhatsApp users receiving a message inviting them to enter a competition, all they had to do was complete a survey which in return offered the chance of winning free flight tickets and accommodation. The link appeared to go the Virgin site, unfortunately, it went directly to the scammers who in turn were able to access all personal details of those who had clicked the link, it’s that easy.

We at the Timeshare Consumers Association cannot stress enough the saying ‘if it looks too good to be true’, it probably is. It is imperative that you always double sometimes triple check the email address, office address and even the company name, scammers will change these just slightly, making it look like the real deal. If you are still doubtful, try calling the number as most of the lines are unobtainable.

Another famous scam at the moment involves offering heavily discounted flights and accommodation, all you have to do is pay an upfront fee which will be discounted with the first booking!! Again consumers find themselves paying the requested amount only to realise they have been conned. Ensure you read all the small print no matter how legit it appears.

Try to avoid these ‘too good to be true’ offers by sticking with a reputable trusted agent.

Whilst holidaying pay attention to the scams that are widely out there. We all throw caution to the wind whilst relaxing, but this is when most are caught out. There is still a lot of currency related scams about. Shortchanging is the most common scam as most foreigners are unfamiliar with the local currency. Always ask for a receipt, which will show you how the monies have been exchanged. Should you need to exchange money abroad it’s worth a trip to the local bank, where you may receive a little less than the local exchange shop, but you will have peace of mind you are getting the correct amount.

Another common scam is local gifts shops or market traders tricking tourists by claiming the item costs 50… 50 what, as you are abroad you would surmise 50 of their currency, for example, pesos, however, these clever tricksters con and confuse people taking, in fact, the equivalent of 50 pounds. Sadly, many traders con and trick tourists, it’s just part of their culture. In addition to confusing buyers, when asked if they would like their purchased gift wrapped, it’s not until the buyer gets home that they open the item and realise it has been swapped for a cheaper version. A currency converter is always a good purchase if you are unfamiliar with the local currency.

Taxi drivers are well known for jumping on the ‘scam wagon’, (no pun intended) always ask for a price before traveling to your destination. Top of the list of scams is still, unfortunately, fake timeshares or travel club memberships, usually involving the consumer spending their hard earn cash on luxury accommodation that later appears to be unbookable or even non-existent.

However, should we all keep our wits about us and not be bamboozled or bullied into purchasing something we had no intention of then holidays can be fun and great memories can be made.

Here are a few tips to keep you safe whilst holidaying abroad:

  • A cash converter is always a good idea if you are unsure of the local currency
  • Never carry large amounts of cash with you, always take a little of everything, local currency, your own currency and a debit card for back up.
  • Always have contact numbers readily available in the event of an emergency, i.e. your insurance company and bank, in the event of accidents or card loss.
  • Agree on a price and stick to it, whether it be a taxi or a purchase.

Happy Holidaying!



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